Kitchen Sink Water Filtering Systems.

Under bench and bench top leading filtration specialists providing you the highest water quality solutions for your home

Taste the difference. Ring us: 02102837384

Want great tasting water?

We offer the best quality water filters that you can feel confident with. We fit and manage the installation alongside plumbers to ensure cost is decreased and work is done to the best possible.

Bench top Water Purifiers:

Bench top portable filters attach to the kitchen tap. They are brilliant at filtering and can have various different types of filter in them. Perfect for the rental home as they can easily be taken away. We provide various fittings for different kitchen taps.

Under Bench Water Purifiers

Under bench filter with a polished stainless steel drinking tap. These are perfect for any family wanting the best quality filtered water.

Under bench filter for your current kitchen tap.


Add on’s.


Nitrate and Fluoride filter

Remove nitrates and fluoride by adding a specialised cartridge.

Each filter cartridge lasts 6 months


High sediment filter

Add a sediment filter prior to the carbon filter to ensure the carbon filter doesn't clog up.


Extra Carbon block filter

Sometimes the chlorine levels in the water seem quite high and a family that uses a lot of drinking or tap water, the filter may not last as long as hoped.

Adding a carbon block filter will increase the longevity of the main filter.

Water that tastes better than bottled - clean pure water filtration - Cloud Water. - Hawkes Bay

“My water tastes just like bottled water now, delicious”

— John, Hawkes Bay

  • Cloud Water Purification - Local installation service - Hawkes Bay

    Local Installation Service

    We fit and manage the installation alongside plumbers to ensure cost is decreased and work is done to the best possible.

  • Kitchen Sink Water Filtering Systems - Cloud Water Purification - Hawkes Bay

    Efficient Way to Produce Drinking Water

    These types of filters block contaminants and are an efficient way to produce drinking water and environmentally friendly.

  • Hightest Quality water filters for under kitchen sink - Cloud Water Purification - Waikato

    Long Filter life

    CloudWater uses only the highest quality filters in the world ensuring a longer filter life, long term savings and be at peace that you and your family are drinking clean and safe water.

Pure Water,

Peace of Mind