Water Softeners

Filter Lime Scale, Iron and Manganese


Water softener range.

We have a number of different types available. The most popular is the standard household cabinet filter. Alongside this we have bigger more specialised units. Here is a picture display of some of the different ones we have.

It is always best to have a water test so we can analyse what is needed.


Pentair Cabinet Water Softener

Inside or outside filtering lime scale.

This image shows the cabinet softener in the side of a garage

Big Blue 940 house water softener.

Has a higher capacity than cabinet softener.

This image shows the softener filtering high loads of lime scale water into a storage tank (the electrician hasn’t arrived yet!).

Specialised high capacity water softener.

This is a custom designed softener specific to the clients needs.

This image shows one that is designed to filter high loads of Iron into a storage tank.

Filter Lime Scale.

Lime Scale can be filtered through a water softener.

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At the bottom of the page are some of our water softener range.

Lime scale is difficult to clean from surfaces and can build up in water pipes. Many people notice the problem in their coffee machine as it restricts the flow of water through the components.

A water softener has ion charged media that captures lime scale and stops it from moving past the filter.

An automatic water softener will recharge itself or descale itself. When it does this, the water softener will draw salt water through itself. The salt water removes the calcium or lime scale from the media it then rinses itself to be ready to capture more lime scale to filter at a high rate.

Lime scale is calcium rich water that is measured by hardness. Hardness is measured as total hardness combining Total Magnesium and Calcium. It is stated in CaCO3/m3. When water has a total hardness of above 80, people start noticing lime scale build up around their home.

Lime Scale build up is seen as a white deposit on shower walls, in the kettle and around taps. It can cause havoc when there is a high measurement of total hardness.

To filter lime scale, it is typical to install a whole house water softener where the water enters the home through the main water pipe. The water softener comes with a salt tank or brine tank. This is used to clean the filter on a regular basis so the filter will last upto 20 years without any change of filter.

It is important to ensure the salt or brine tank has a supply of salt. The type of salt you use is quite cheap as it only costs approximately $15 for a 20kg bag. One bag will last between 1-3 months depending on the level of hardness in your water. This can be purchased from any hardware store or pool shop. It is called Pool Salt.

Cloud Water Purification installs water softeners for people who have hardness in their water. The company will arrange for water tests where needed to ensure the water is filtered to the correct rate.

It is important that the automatic water softener is set correctly to ensure water with lime scale is able to lather up properly. If they are not set properly, people often notice soap is hard to wash off or it doesn’t lather properly.

Filter Iron and Manganese.

A lot of water sources have high concentrations of Iron or Manganese. This causes problems with the household as it can stain surfaces and cause colouration in laundry.

It can also be unhealthy to consume high amounts of Manganese. The water quality standards that have been set by Taumata Arowai (water supply authority in NZ) state that Manganese should not be higher than 0.4mg/l. It is important to have your water tested if you notice a colouration problem in laundry.

A water softener is the normal filtration method for both Manganese and Iron depending on the levels. Cloud Water Purification has specialised filters if the levels are excessive.

The filtration media in a water softener is ion charged and attracts the ions in Iron and Manganese to filter it out of the water supply.

Iron and Manganese is more difficult to filter than lime scale and it is important to ensure that the water softener unit is large enough to cope and that the water flow is correct so the filter can keep up. Cloud Water Purification will ensure that the filter is the correct size when dealing with quotations and installations of water softeners for iron and manganese.